
Active Online Education: Moving Beyond Passive Teaching and Learning on YouTube

The limitations of passive learning through just watching YouTube videos highlight the need for a more interactive and engaging approach to online education. By understanding the active nature of human learning, we can embrace online educational platforms that address these limitations. These platforms offer dynamic features such as interactive activities, practice exercises, assessments, and (personalized) feedback.

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Balancing Test Security Measures and Test-Taker Experience: Creating a Harmonious Equilibrium

Finding the right balance between test security measures and the test-taker experience is crucial for online and remote assessments. While robust security is important, excessive measures can lead to increased stress and compromised results. To strike this balance, clear instructions, user-friendly platforms, practice assessments, supportive communication, flexible scheduling, and feedback collection are key.

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AI in Education: The Rise of Generative Language Models (GLMs)

AI Generative Language Models (GLMs) offer great potential for enhancing asynchronous online education by providing personalized support and guidance to students. However, caution must be exercised to avoid potential misuses and risks such as misinformation and diminished human interaction.

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The Power of Interaction: Enhancing Online Learning and Assessment

Active interaction is vital for deep understanding, meaningful learning, and retention. Also, interactive assessments measure complex abilities and competencies more accurately. Asynchronous learning, though lacking real-time human interaction, can still utilize technology for creating alternative forms of interaction.

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